Simple Designs

Simple Is More

There is no place like home…yes, a Wizard of Oz quote, but it is so true!  Our family loves going to our cabin and traveling to visit family and friends or go on vacations, but there is no place like home.  Home just feels so comforting and cozy and no matter how amazing a vacation home may be, it will never beat your own home!

There are times I look at a room or even just a small portion of a room and I stand there hoping for some inspiration or some sort of sign that will lead me to really figure out the right design, but it just never comes!  You know exactly where I am at right?

The truth is really about keeping the space ‘simple.’  Not EVERY wall has to have something on it. The fireplace mantle doesn’t NEED to be fully covered.  The answer really is “SIMPLE IS MORE!”

So this page is going to be about keeping the design simple.  I will be sharing about spaces in our home and the simplicity in my design that is both inspiring and cozy

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