

Perfection. Perfect. 

These are words that we use all the time to describe so many things and situations.

 “Oh that picture frame will be perfect in your living room!”

“That is the perfect color.”

“It looks perfect!”

The word can be used in a positive way and in a negative way.

“She has the perfect life.”

“She/he has the perfect body.”

“Their kids always act so perfectly when we are out.”

To be honest, I use the word, but I hate it!  It is a word that seems to be paralyzing for me and I am sure I am not the only one.  The truth is that perfect is unattainable and there really is no such thing, so why do we fantasize so much on perfection?

I have to apologize to all of you for my lack of content and for my lack of just showing up in the past few months.  To be honest, I was paralyzed by trying to make things perfect.  I would constantly have great ideas that I wanted to share with all of you, but then I would question myself; what is the right thing to talk about, will anyone even really care what I think, am I wording this right, does it even matter…so on and so forth.  I was constantly so worried about everything being perfect that I just didn’t do anything at all and what is that doing for me, for you…nothing at all.  

Can I get an amen or a hand raise if you understand where I am coming from?  I mean have you ever had the greatest intention of doing something, only to flake out and not do it?  You get all of the materials you need or you strip down the paint on that cabinet that you want to refinish and then all of a sudden you just stop and this project you wanted to complete seems to be more of a job.  

Or, if you are like me, you have this great plan that you want to tackle, but you see something else that is bothering you and you need to complete it?  I am the queen of this…ask my husband, really. For example, in January, I set some new goals for myself that I was super excited about accomplishing! I have been in the process of learning a new program that will help me with my future dreams and goals and basically, I can’t reach those goals if I don’t take the time to learn the program.  Well, in the midst of trying to learn that, we finally got our new floors and before they were to be put in, I had a huge list of things that I wanted to complete, so I pushed my other goals aside. Here it is, almost the end of March and I can tell you that I haven’t been following the path to reach my goals at all. Mind you, I haven’t been just sitting on my booty doing nothing at all, I have accomplished a ton of things, but all of them are not going to help me reach my goals.  They sure have helped me make my home feel more like home (so they are kindof helping me reach my goals because I can blog about them to you), but none of them will actually set me up for success in my dream. And do you know what I have figured out in these three months, part of my problem is that I just want it to be perfect.  I want to already know how to use this program and because it is hard for me, I am finding other things that I love and that come easy to me to work on instead.  I have made so much progress on so many things and I am so happy and proud of the work that I have done, but this obsession with being perfect has paralyzed me from working on something that is hard and doesn’t come easy for me.  It has stopped me from learning to do something new that will only enhance my love for design and allow me to share my passions with the world.  

My husband would tell all of you that he had this conversation with me a month ago, but something that I have come to realize through all of my relationships is that you can’t really change something until you learn to accept what is.  The truth is that I struggle doing something new, so I find things that I am comfortable and confident with and I do that instead. The truth is that I want what the world will see of me to be perfect, when in essence there really is no such thing as being “perfect.”  The truth is that I want to share so much with all of you and I have just been using excuses to tell myself that it’s not the right time or it is not the right post.

So here is what I am going to tell you, I am soooooo done with doing that to myself and to all of you.  I told you that I am going to share the good, the bad, and the ugly…and also the beautiful, so that is what I am going to do.  I can’t promise you that my website is going to be perfect (and if you know someone good who wants to help me with that I am all in).  I can’t promise you that my pictures and my posts will always be something that you want to read, but I can promise you that I am going to do better at understanding that perfect isn’t reality and just being and sharing is okay.

So, if you are at all like me and this post has resonated with you in any way, I really hope that you stop using perfect in a negative way.  Perfection can be paralyzing, but being real and raw, that is liberating.  

Stay tuned because I have so much to share with you about all of the things that have been going on in our house and our lives…

  • German Schmear fireplace
  • New floors…vinyl is the in thing and let me tell you, we are loving it (I’ll tell you why)
  • Wood plank ceiling and the immense amount of white washing I had to complete
  • Refinished tables to enhance our style while saving a lot of money instead of buying new
  • New recipes for our new outlook on being healthy in 2020
  • And…our homeschooling routine and new schedule throughout this crazy time in our world

Plus I have a new instagram page where I want to share with all of you, not only the happenings here in this house, but my life as well.  Click the link to check it out and follow me for updates all the time!

Cozy Home Blogger

So thank you for being a part of my passion and reading my stories that I have to share with you and I can’t wait to really dive into my life and all of the many things that make me and my family who we are with all of you.

As I sign out today I want to send a prayer to all of you; may God keep you happy, healthy and safe.  May He bring joy and happiness to your life and those around you. May He help guide you to share your passions with the ones you love and maybe even the world. 

Have a great day and a great week! And here is something to make you laugh…so NOT perfect!



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